Yinka Olatunbosun
Ajaga (Yoke), produced by Adenike Odubawo, is a compelling and thought-provoking movie that delves into various thematic layers. The film boasts a simple plot, complemented by crisp cinematography, creating an engaging viewing experience. Set in a spiritual household, the story follows a couple of pastors eagerly awaiting the birth of their own biological children. When they decide to adopt two girls from underprivileged backgrounds, the plot takes an intriguing turn as the pastors’ wife, Bolusefe, receives threatening messages from an anonymous source, raising doubts about the pastor’s true character portrayed by Femi Jacobs.
Directed by Remi Ibilola, Ajaga utilizes the monochromatic flashback technique to tell a story within a story, shedding light on the generational mistreatment of women and young girls by individuals they know. The film features a talented ensemble cast including Carol King, Jaiye Kuti, Tomiwa Sage, Lola Smart, Tory Thompson, and Francis Onwochei, who collectively bring the narrative to life. Ajaga serves as a call to action and emphasizes the need for accountability among those in positions of power within society.
The movie explores the cycle of silence surrounding child abuse, particularly when perpetrators hold positions of influence in the victims’ lives. It highlights the burden of truth placed on the abused and emphasizes the importance of taking action when cases of abuse are uncovered, especially concerning minors.
While the movie contains suggestive language and sexual scenes, Adenike Odubawo, the producer, stressed that it does not limit viewership to specific age groups. She believes that early sexual education is crucial in addressing this global issue. Director Remi Ibilola employs a linear storytelling approach, building suspense and a climactic resolution, using both seasoned and first-time actors to bring the story to fruition. Odubawo believes that having a woman at the helm of the film was the right decision to authentically portray the issue of girl-child abuse.
Reflecting on the production process, Odubawo described it as a challenging endeavor that pushed her to her limits. However, after the first screening, she expressed confidence in the final product, calling it a beautiful movie that she is eager for the world to see. She acknowledged the delicate nature of the story and the complexity of balancing her lead role with the responsibilities of producing.
Adeyemi Olanrewaju, the supervising producer, emphasized that Ajaga serves as a cultural necessity, aiming to provoke societal change. By tackling topics such as domestic violence and sexual abuse, the film sheds light on issues that concern any socially conscious individual. Olanrewaju explained that the film offers a fresh perspective by focusing on the experiences and pain endured by women who are often victims of influential individuals shielded by their power or status.
Tope Olowoniyan, who portrayed the character of Teni in the movie, resonated with the sub-theme of friendship depicted in the story. Olowoniyan mentioned that Teni’s character exemplifies the importance of objective and logical support during challenging times, emphasizing the role of true friendship.