The dynamic duo of Shaun and Victoria, known as Shantoria, emerged as the winners of this week’s Head of House (HoH) challenge in week 5 of Big Brother Naija (BBNaija).
Every week, a contestant is chosen to lead the house as the Head of House through a game or an election.
Shantoria took over the HoH position from Nelly and Anita, who won the game in weeks three and four, leading the housemates for two consecutive rounds.
As the winners, Shantoria now enjoys immunity from eviction on Sunday. They also had the privilege of selecting Wanni X Handi as their guests.
- BBNaija Season 9: Nelita Wins HoH Challenge For The Second Time
- BBNaija: Nelita Emerges Head Of House For Week 3.
- BBNaija S9: I Can’t Date Mayor, Just Using Him Rhuthee.
This is not the first victory for Shantoria as they recently showed their strength and determination by winning the Supa Komando task in the house.
Their fellow housemates congratulated them on their achievement.
Reactions to this news include:
phiwemaepa asked: “What if Victoria wanted to take double kay or the Mbadiwe twins to the HoH room?”
muriukishiko said: “Congratulations to my victoria, the winner of BBN. And biggie should call Shaun to order, not to intimidate Victoria or give her any reason not to sleep in the HoH room.”
vikings wrote: “Shantoria is the shining stars of the season. Victoria and Shaun to the world.”
okono said: “I’m so happy Nelita did not win. If you like, call me a hater, I really don’t care.”
Watch the video below: