A Pennsylvania couple, Codi and Michelle Knox, have shown that self-sufficiency is achievable even without vast amounts of land. They went from living in a cramped basement apartment to becoming active homesteaders on just 5.6 acres of land. By growing their own healthy, organic food, they have transformed their lives.
Mr. Knox initially worked in a woodshop and didn’t prioritize his health until he experienced a sharp decline in his well-being. Mrs. Knox, on the other hand, found solace in gardening during her challenging teenage years. After getting married, their shared interest in leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle led them to delve into the world of organic produce, raw milk, and grass-fed meats, despite not yet owning any land.
Although their health improved significantly, they quickly realized that maintaining this way of eating came with a hefty price tag. Being young and financially strained, they felt stuck living in their tiny apartment while expecting their first child. Fortunately, a community member’s generous private loan allowed them to seize an opportunity when they stumbled upon a rundown property with land in 2014.
Transitioning from living in an apartment to becoming homesteaders was a steep learning curve for the Knoxes. Mrs. Knox shares her top advice for aspiring homesteaders: start small and allow yourself time to master each skill before moving on to the next one. Overwhelm and burnout are common pitfalls for beginners in this endeavor.
Initially, their foray into farm life proved more challenging than anticipated, as they realized they had taken on more than they could handle. They resided in a camper with two babies while Mr. Knox built a small house for their family. To sustain themselves, they started selling eggs from their chickens.
Mrs. Knox describes this period as incredibly stressful, with Mr. Knox juggling a full-time job, managing the homestead, and building their home simultaneously. However, they were determined not to let go of their dream of Mr. Knox quitting his job to focus solely on homesteading. They eventually sold their egg business, stopped selling excess produce, and prioritized growing food solely for their family’s consumption.
Over time, the couple prioritized their well-being and sought marriage counseling amidst the stress of farm life and homeschooling their four children. They gradually found better balance, and today, they are healthier and happier. Mrs. Knox now tends to a thriving organic garden, harvests berries and vegetables, and raises a more manageable number of pastured hens for eggs. They also fill their freezer with grass-fed steaks and roasts from their beef steer.
Adopting a more efficient approach, the Knoxes automate tasks wherever possible. Chicken coop doors and lights operate automatically, reducing stress and saving time. They also involve their children in various chores, teaching them valuable life skills along the way.
While they don’t produce all their own supplies yet, Mrs. Knox finds tremendous satisfaction in partnering with God and nature to provide wholesome food for her family. After enduring many hurdles and overcoming various challenges, the couple now aims to teach others how to homestead while avoiding common pitfalls.
Their journey has taught them the importance of streamlining, efficiency, and simplicity in homesteading. Mrs. Knox emphasizes that it’s not necessary to have a large plot of land to grow your own food. Whether you live in the city or the countryside, there are always ways to connect more deeply with your food, such as growing potted herbs or supporting local farmers.
The Knoxes encourage beginners to build a few skills first, practicing and mastering them before taking on more. They believe in doing a few things well rather than many things poorly. By adopting this approach, they have found a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle, allowing them to enjoy adventures with their children and prioritize their overall well-being.